
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Hi & Welcome to Le Dulce Chic!

Hi Dolls, I'm Marley.

I love Fashion and I'm so excited to be starting this Fashion blog! I used to model and did really well with it for quite some time. I got to work with some amazing photographers, hair-stylist, designers, magazines and Make-up artist through the years and it was an awesome experience! I also had the chance to further my career with a  Modeling Agency in New York but life had other plans for me. Now I'm taking those experiences and things that Ive learned and putting them into my blog to share with you.  I also just got this amazing new camera for Christmas from my parents and can't wait to put it to use! I've been wanting to start a blog for a good while now but, you can't just start a Fashion blog without doing your homework first. Atleast, thats what I think. I especially wanted to make sure I went about it the right way. So I dove in researching and hitting up Teen Vogue Fashion Click along with some other sites. Here I am now with my first post!! Oot Oot! My blog is going to be about Fashion & Beauty. I will be posting my daily looks, all kinds of tips, beauty advice, tutorials, videos and hot spots for deals that I find. I have linked all the places you can contact me or follow me over there ------->
 I will also try to answer any questions for you that you may have,  just leave a comment <3 

I have a real passion for all things Fashion and I'm always trolling the internet filling my brain with ideas & checking out new things being released by designers. I really love styling and putting different looks together with matching accessories or trying different things with my makeup too. I am obsessed with Designer purses, heels, belts, hats, scarves and just clothing in general. BUT, I also find myself loving tunics and all kinds of other things from Target or different mall shops. If you dress them the right way and with the right accessories you can create a look that is magazine material! I have always received compliments on the way I dress and I am always getting asked the same question "Where did you get that?!" Well, with a suggestion that I should create a fashion blog and lots of time and research…Here I am & I'm more than excited to share all of this with you now!!! I hope you all will enjoy!